A couple of suggested names for The Expendables 2 don’t appear to be on Sylvester Stallone’s mind. But one surprise name does…
Now that The Expendables has safely crossed the $100m barrier at the US box office, and now that the film has given Sylvester Stallone his biggest hit in a long, long time, the focus remains on the already-planned sequel. For Stallone has a job on his hands to top the cast from the first film and it's clearly something that's not far from his mind.
We already know that he's hinted, via his new Twitter stream, that he'd like Bruce Willis to have a more substantive part in The Expendables 2.
But the latest names being banded around? Well, try Mike Tyson for a start, whose hat Sly threw into the ring and then seemingly chucked it straight back out. "How tough is Mike Tyson? ........EXPENDABLES tough?", he asked, before later going on to post that "Always experimenting. Mike T is not a sound fit. In my life I have been wrong more then RIGHT but I usually get lucky when it counts."
So, who next? How about John Travolta, whose name has now been mentioned in association with the project? But when asked about his potential involvement with the film, Stallone replied "NO, DON'T THINK SO."
Yet, he does hint that he will look to use more UFC stars in the next film. And he's, perhaps jokingly, suggesting that Ryan Seacrest - a US radio and TV host - could make his way into the next film. The tone of the Tweets, however, you can judge for yourself: "RYAN SEACREAST [sic] is not want you think. HE is TOUGH as S---! He is in TEN times better shape JCVD and would most likely whip him. Seriously!", adding "Why would I put JCVD, and I do like him, in EXPENDABLES when I know SEACREST could destroy the one time great. ASK STEVE AUSTIN, he knows."
As things stand, Stallone is still working on the director's cut of the first movie, but his thoughts do appear to be very much with the second. And we'll keep you fully informed as fresh developments appear....