The upcoming James Bond film, Skyfall, has apparently cut back its exotic shooting plans, in exchange for mainly British locations. Including the marvellous Bognor Regis...
Even when you’re the world’s top secret agent, austerity measures are never far away. Back when the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, was announced, an ambitious production was revealed. The new film would head to Bali, to China, to London, and India. Six different countries in all were planned for the shoot.
However, according to the Daily Mirror, things might have changed a little.
Due to budget restrictions, and assorted difficulties, Skyfall’s exotic shooting locales have had to be reigned in a little. A lot, actually, as the only non-UK location for the film now is believed to be Turkey.
Instead of travelling the world, then, Bond is set to travel Britain. Amongst the new locations selected for the film’s shoot? Bognor Regis. The beach of Bognor Regis, by the sounds of it. If Daniel Craig is looking to recreate his stepping-out-of-the-sea in his shorts moment of Casino Royale, it’d be a perfect place to do it. And, when he’s done, he can head to the pier and have a go on the 2p machines in the arcade.
Skyfall arrives in UK cinemas at the end of October. Rumours that the Aston Martin has been swapped for a FIAT Punto have yet to be confirmed.
Daily Mirror
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