"Prepare for the unexpected", warns the unexpectedly poor poster for The Bourne Legacy...
It’s rare, in the world of movie posters, that you get to see a design that’s been sketched out on the back of a beer mat make it to the final product. That might not have been the case, either, with the first poster for Universal’s upcoming The Bourne Legacy. It’s just there’s a strong suspicion here that this is a poster that didn’t take too long to knock together.
It’s debuted over at Cine 1, and the modern day movie marketing ploy is that you release a poster a day or two ahead of a trailer. Thus, might be get the first trailer for The Bourne Legacy this week? Don’t rule it out.
And budding poster designers? Don’t pop those crayons away. On this evidence, Universal could use a bit of help…
Cine 1
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