Are the redesigned Daleks getting the heave-ho from Doctor Who? Or has a tabloid bolted together a few quotes to try and make a story that may not be there?
One of the more contentious moments of Doctor Who's fifth series since it was revived was the redesign of the Daleks. They were seen in Victory Of The Daleks, and immediately drew comparisons to Teletubbies and Power Rangers, depending which quarter of the Internet you were reading at the time.
Having seen them close up at the Doctor Who Live tour, I can't say I muster up the depth of dislike for them as some seem to, and always hoped that it might all lead to an Imperial vs Renegade Dalek battle along the lines of Remembrance Of The Daleks.
According to our Doctor Who tabloid rumour of the day, however, that might not be happening.
It had already been widely rumoured that the Daleks were going to get a series off from Doctor Who, given that they've appeared in every full run since the show came back in 2005. But The Sun is now suggesting that the decision has been made to dump the new Daleks altogether.
Actually, it's quite vague in some of its language, reporting that Steven Moffat has said that the old versions are coming back (which was known anyway). "Moffat decided that too much had been changed in the show - and fans are delighted," reads the article.
The piece does lead with the statement that the new Daleks have been "ditched", with the reason being "a fans' backlash". But we're still going to go out on a limb here and suggest that we might just be seeing them again.
Here's the piece at The Sun.