Far from tackling the might of the Mysterons, Borderlands 2’s Captain Scarlett has far more self-serving endeavours in mind. So, if you’ve finished off Handsome Jack, scavenged every area of Pandora and laid the smack down on even the toughest Badass Thresher, today you can hop online and grab the first campaign DLC pack and extend your Borderlands 2 experience.
Focusing on the titular pirate queen, the DLC adds extra desert and pirate-themed locations, new weapons, items and even a new vehicle to the mix, along with a selection of mew missions, of course.
It’s a mini expansion, so don’t expect a huge amount of new content, but it does come as part of the season pass DLC, so if you want all of it for one price, then this is your first sampling of what’s to come.
So, climb up into that crow’s nest and have a good old gawp at the trailer, and then go grab it if you want to go find some shiny new loot. Arrrr!
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