It's been a couple of weeks now since it was revealed that a female version of The Expendables was being planned. It's not an official Expendables movie, we should add, rather the idea is that it'll bring together female action stars in some nonsensical plot, instead of the likes of Stallone and his team. So, an action movie with an ensemble cast of women would seem a better, if less catchier, description.
Anyway, it seems as though this one's actually happening, because Variety is reporting that the thus-far untitled film has its first recruit. The name in question? Gina Carano, the MMA star who took her first lead movie role in Steven Soderbergh's Haywire.
Carano is also starring in Fast & Furious 6, and in the words of producer Adi Shankar, "I don't know how I'm supposed to make a movie that is supposed to be the female version of The Expendables without Gina Carano in it". To clarify, Shankar added that "it would be like making Twix without caramel or Jamba Juice without jamba".
Well, fear not. Caramel-less Twixes, jamba-free Jamba Juice and a female Expendables lacking Gina Carano are clearly not on the cards.
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