Batman & Robin didn’t just end the Batman franchise in its then-current form, it’s been revealed. But it also kyboshed the plan to give Chris O’Donnell a Robin spin-off movie of his own.
O’Donnell was talking to Access Hollywood, and the subject of a standalone Robin film came up. “They were going to do one back in the day”, O’Donnell said, “and then [Batman & Robin] was such a bomb, they were like, ‘scrap that’. That was the end of that”.
In the same interview, O’Donnell went on to reveal that he’d turned down the lead role in Men In Black as well, the part that was eventually taken by Will Smith.
But back to Batman. When Batman & Robin bombed, then, Warner Bros had two different trips to Gotham City in mind, that they had to abandon. Joel Schumacher was set to direct Batman Triumphant, with Nicolas Cage potentially as The Scarecrow. While now we’ve confirmation that there was a Robin film, too.
Nothing against Chris O’Donnell, but the thought of a standalone Robin movie, given where the character was in the movies back then? Not a good one…
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