After next year’s 50th anniversary special has aired, interviewers are going to have to think of a new question to ask the former Doctors. For the past six months and probably for the next, Baker, Davison, McCoy, and the rest of them haven’t been able to go and buy a pint of milk without being asked whether or not they’re returning for the anniversary.
Their replies have veered from the straightforward: “They don’t need us”, (Colin Baker), and “There’s been no invites” (Paul McGann), to the guarded “If they ask me nicely” (Tom Baker).
David Tennant’s the most recent of the lot to have been subjected to the question, and his jovial response (watch the clip courtesy of Attack Of The Show here) came as follows:
"I cannot be drawn on anything. Who knows what will happen next year? I’m sure there are lots of plans being discussed in quiet rooms by men with long beards and great power.”
When told that was being taken as a yes, Tennant, laughing, replied “Well you can take it any way you like. I’m not confirming or denying anything. Twitter nothing, nothing to do with me". Well played Tennant. When asked if he still had the pin-striped suit on stand-by though, the tenth Doctor joked yes, “I do have it in a very secure location”.
In the same interview, Tennant expressed his (not entirely serious, we should say) fury at life not imitating art when he wasn’t the one to light the 2012 Olympic flame à la Fear Her, and at the Doctor Who sequence being left out of the recent Olympics opening ceremony, saying, “…there was this Doctor Who sequence that was cleared, we all had to sign off on it and they cut it the day before!”
As for more news on those anniversary appearances, we’ll keep you posted.
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