PlayStation 3 owners are understandably excited for the return of Kratos, and the new adventure, God of War: Ascension, which functions as a prequel to Kratos’ previous outings, is already one of the most anticipated games for the platform.
During Sony’s E3 press conference, it was announced that the game will not arrive until March 12, 2013. This means that the game is some way off, but on its arrival it’ll be the first GoW game to incorporate multiplayer, seeing up to eight players battle it out on a number of game modes, some including impressive environmental elements, such as the huge cyclops fight revealed a few weeks back.
The E3 gameplay footage can be seen below, and despite being a prequel, it’s clearly still classic Kratos as he slaughters some goat-like foes with ease, and uses new, telekinetic, or time-bending abilities to proceed, and continues to fight a giant kraken, and a rather irritated elephant warrior. The footage ends in suitably spectacular fashion, and the whole sequence demonstrates the GoW series ability to flow from one epic situation to the next with ease, creating an experience that few other games outside of Uncharted have been able to match.
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