Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix recently announced that the reboot of the iconic Tomb Raider series was delayed until next year, in order to further polish and refine the title, but now we have a release date, thanks to the new E3 trailer, which you can find below.
Lara’s return to the gaming world isn’t going to be a simple lick of paint, as clearly demonstrated by this excitement-building trailer. We’ve never seen Ms Croft in such a dark and gritty state of affairs, and it’s a very different tone this time around, with some harrowing, and quite adult situations Lara will have to face.
The trailer shows that there’s going to be much more on offer than the series’ usual staple of navigating conveniently placed objects and platforms around obstacle course-like environments, and set pieces, stealth, hunting and more will be interwoven into the story.
And, as an extra bonus, the trailer revealed that the game is due to release on March 5 2013, with the European launch presumably landing on March 8.
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