In advance of its June premiere, Disney has released a pretty exciting new trailer for its TRON: Uprising TV series...
“There’s a war raging”
It certainly looks like it. Disney’s new animated series TRON: Uprising follows the story of lanky young Beck, a program voiced by Elijah Wood who leads a revolution inside The Grid against the oppressive reign of Lord Clu and General Tesler.
Tron (sporting the voice of original cast member Bruce Boxleitner) is tasked with training Beck, and turning him from a cocky youth into a powerful leader à la Luke and Yoda and countless other such pairings.
Disney is evidently hoping for a Clone Wars/Avatar: The Last Airbender-style success from TRON: Uprising, which comes to Disney XD on June 7th, and by the looks of this trailer they might just get it.
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