Mickey Rourke and Rosario Dawson are both set to return in the upcoming Sin City sequel, A Dame To Kill For…
Yesterday, we reported that Michael Madsen was set to return for Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. And now, the director has confirmed one or two other faces will be back.
Chatting to MTV, Rodriguez – who is currently in production on Machete Kills – said that “we haven’t done any casting yet, except for the people we know are already in it and returning”. Those people? That’d be Mickey Rourke and Rosario Dawson.
As for the rumours about Angelina Jolie’s involvement in the second film? “
"I haven't even gotten to meet with her yet about it or discuss with Frank about who we would want to go with or talk to first. That's a fun process, but that probably won't happen in the next month”. Jolie remains strongly rumoured for the title role.
As always, we’ll keep you posted.
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