Robert Rodriguez has confirmed the two films he’s planning to get shot this year. One is Machete Kills. The other? Sin City 2 is finally happening…
It feels like the following piece of news has been a very long time coming, but Robert Rodriguez is finally gearing up to shoot Sin City 2 this summer.
He made the announcement at the South-By-Southwest festival, which has been taking place in Texas. It was amongst a package of news from him, as he also revealed that he’s setting up some new animated film projects, including the long-mooted Heavy Metal.
He confirmed that the Machete sequel, Machete Kills, will start production next month, with Danny Trejo returning in the lead role. And then, Sin City 2 is planned for later in the year.
Rodriguez hasn’t dropped any other new details, save for he’s looking to put together a cast of the standard of the first movie. But the very fact that the film is finally being made is enough to put a smile on our chops.
More at The Hollywood Reporter, here.
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