Get your first look at 343 Industries’ Halo 4 in this making of mini-documentary…
Although, deep down, the announcement of Halo 4 wasn't exactly a surprise (Microsoft isn't going to let a cash cow like that go, is it now?), it still got people excited when the reveal trailer played at E3, and Halo fans were overjoyed at the news that their beloved FPS was going to carry on, with the Master Chief still under the helm.
With the series now in the hands of 343 Industries, the future of the Halo series is going to take a little turn here and there, and quite how much Halo will, if you'll forgive the pun, evolve, is something that people have talked about in forums for months.
Well, now we've got our first look at the new game, courtesy of this making of video. In it, 343 talk about the huge challenge of continuing the Halo series, and, as they're very keen to point out, they're pulling out all the stop to out Halo Bungie at every turn, with an improved multiplayer mode, even more cinematic story and, of course, an upgraded visual look.
It's still early days, but from the footage seen here, Halo 4 doesn't seem to stay too far away from the qualities that made it such a fan favourite, only this time, a fresh set of minds are working on it. This could be a very good, or very bad thing for hardcore fans, but we'll have to wait until the holiday season this year (or the inevitable, early beta test) to find out.
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