More Cutler please, says Mark, as series 4 of Being Human once again delivers...
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4.5 Hold the Front Page
“Thomas, you’re about to become very, very famous.”
Quite possibly the best line of the episode delivered by quite possibly the finest addition to the Being Human universe. Cutler, a captivating and mesmeric screen presence, illuminates this series like John Mitchell has done before, and it was fitting that it was left to him to drive forward the series’ key story arc while our newfound heroes dealt with a rather excellent self-contained sideshow.
The exposure of werewolves to the world has been a slow burner up until now, so I was glad to see things pick up quickly. Better still, that the cat is to be dragged out of the bag next week, from the brief preview. Cutler’s dalliances with an eager, motivated reporter were enthralling and lent further proof that when Being Human hits its marks, it’s far and away one of the UK’s finest TV exports, supernatural or otherwise.
I’m fast becoming a huge fan of Andrew Gower. I confess that I know nothing of his previous work but already I find I miss him when he’s not on screen. His delivery is sublime and he has such a unique and interesting look, threatening yet with an odd compassionate streak. He’s a clever, erudite chap, too, and that all lends to one of the standout characters of this and any other series.
With his grand plan to throw Tom to the wolves revealed at the hour’s end, I was also taken back to his words in the first episode. He promised a more intelligent way to bring down the vampires’ great enemy. Not for him the breaking down doors approach, preferring to use the modern tools at his disposal. Is it wrong that part of me wants him to succeed?
Cutler’s plan played out in the background of Hold The Front Page as the war child was also placed safely behind the cupboard until a later date. This week has far more important, and frankly far more interesting, things to deal with, namely a succubus in the name of Yvonne. Played wonderfully by Selina Griffiths, she arrived at Annie’s door with Adam in tow.
Remember Adam? Movie star Craig Roberts stepped back in to Adam’s role with gusto, delivering the same disgusting, slightly creepy performance as last time round. It might not be to everyone’s taste, but give Roberts his dues. He did bring many a laugh to the episode and Adam does successfully tap into a Being Human’s younger audience.
His relationship with Yvonne was, erm, complicated. Touch her, and you’ll see her in all her erotic glory (Brad Pitt nearly had her, you know) and as both Tom and Hal nearly found out to their cost, heavy is the price to pay for her charms. We all knew something was odd about her (it was never explained how she could see Annie until the big reveal, something that seemed a slight oversight on the script’s part, although I guess Annie has a lot to be coping with right now) and the introduction of her siren-like powers played well in what has so far been a series of new introductions to the series’ lore.
As a story-within-a-story, then, I really enjoyed this week’s episode, far more than I did last week’s (although judging by the comments field, I was out on my own there). There remains an argument for any future series to drop from 8 episodes to 6 as I, for one, feel that this would lead to a tighter, more enjoyable series on the whole.
It’s a minor point, however. Bear in mind that when this series began, many were questioning whether the show would, or even should, continue. On the strength of what we’ve seen so far, I’m delighted to find myself in a position where I’m already looking ahead to a new series with Hal and Tom (and of course Cutler) at its core.
Damien Molony is fast proving himself as more than capable of filling Turner’s ample acting boots, while Michael Socha’s Tom consistently delights. The pair riff well together, delivering the comic interludes as well as the serious drama. And Lenora Critchlow is finally being given some decent story lines, although I fear a little for her role next week, judging by the preview.
I’ll worry about that later, though. And if Cutler features as strongly as he did here, he will more than compensate.