The director of Session 9 and The Machinist, Brad Anderson, takes over the helm of The Hive from Joel Schumacher...
Joel Schumacher is a director who has some genuinely strong films to his name but it has been a good few years since he’s produced anything of notable quality. Depending on your tastes, you may well have to go back well over a decade.
After his string of flops continued last year with Trespass, which followed the straight to DVD Blood Creek and the widely maligned Twelve, it now appears that he has been replaced on what was set to be his next project The Hive.
The reasons behind his departure from the project are at this stage unclear, but Brad Anderson has been hired to replace Schumacher. Anderson is a strong director with some great credits to his name, such as Session 9 and The Machinist. He has also worked on TV shows such as The Wire, Boardwalk Empire and Fringe. Given his previous works I think it’s safe to say that it’s easier to get excited about the project now.
The film is set in a 911 emergency centre, where an operator must face her fears to save a pregnant teenage girl from a serial killer.
Anderson says of the project that “This script has two elements I always look for in a thriller — strong, believable female characters and a smart, very dark and very creepy story that will definitely resonate with large audiences.”
Whilst Anderson’s recent works have certainly been better received than Schumacher’s, they haven’t necessarily set the box office alight. Here’s hoping The Hive will buck that trend and help bring Anderson and his works to a larger audience.
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