Ben Affleck emerges as the director of choice for Warner's big screen adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand...
Warner's making some interesting choices of late regarding its choices of directors. Recently, the studio hired Matt Reeves to direct the upcoming reboot of The Twilight Zone from a shortlist of directors that included the likes of Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay and David Yates, among others. Now, it looks as though Warner has lined up its man to direct the upcoming adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand. And that man in none other than Ben Affleck.
It’s certainly an interesting choice, especially given that David Yates was again in contention for the job, and considering his stellar work on the final few Harry Potter instalments, you would have thought it would have made him an obvious choice for the job. Still, Ben Affleck has proven his prowess as a director with Gone Baby Gone and The Town. The Stand, however, is a sprawling genre piece, which the studio presumably hopes will have franchise potential. The project will surely be the biggest challenge of Affleck's directorial career to date.
Affleck is currently directing Argo, based on the 1979 hostage crisis in Iran, so presumably, once that’s finished and the necessary press commitments are over, Warner would expect him to start on The Stand immediately after.
More on The Stand when we get it.
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