Take this one with a sizeable pinch of salt, as The Dark Knight Rises casting rumours show little sign of abating…
Just because the main cast of The Dark Knight Rises is now in place, what with the casting of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, that doesn't mean the rumour mill isn't still having some fun with the project. The latest example? The tittle tattle spreading around the web linking Robin Williams with the role of Hugo Strange in the movie.
This one can be traced back to a Tweet eminating from BatmanOnFilm, which wrote "RW as Strange? Hmmm." Given that BatmanOnFilm isn't a site which generates rumour mill casting news as a rule, this ignited chatter that RW meant Robin Williams, and Hugo Strange was in The Dark Knight Rises.
However, there's no guarantee at all that that's what BatmanOnFilm meant (even though one or two other places seem to have the story, too. But they may have picked it up from BoF, too).
Granted, Robin Williams has history with Christopher Nolan, having worked with him on Insomnia, and having said that he'd like to work with the director before. But we can't find anything to substantiate either that Hugo Strange will be appearing in The Dark Knight Rises (which would then seem quite villain heavy, with Bane and Catwoman already appearing), or that Robin Williams is involved.
Of course, as soon as we find anything out, we'll pass the news along...
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