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A Nightmare On Elm Street & Friday The 13th sequel updates

A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

Producer Brad Fuller offers updates on A Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday The 13th, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and The Monster Squad…

Given that it appeared on the worst film of 2010 list for quite a few Den Of Geek writers, you'll not be surprised to hear that we weren't fond at all of the A Nightmare On Elm Street remake/reboot/travesty. But that, along with the new take on Friday The 13th, earned enough box office dollars to seemingly warrant sequels. Yet. sequels have not been forthcoming.

So, what's been going on? Well, over to the Twitter account of Brad Fuller, who produced both films.

Friday The 13th first, then, as that looks like it might yet happen. "Shannon and Swift wrote a great script," Fuller wrote. "We are ready to go, when New Line is ready. But as of yet, they are not ready. Rated R horror movies, right now, don't seem to generate interest from the studios."

That sounds like the kind of project that could be switched on quite quickly, although there's little sign of a green light yet. As for another A Nightmare On Elm Street? Good news, friends. "As for Freddy," he adds, "as far as I know, there isnt [sic] even talk of writing another script."

May we just say: long may that continue.

Fuller also offered updates on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, saying that he expects to have more script details in "4 to 6 weeks", while the new take on The Monster Squad "is being rewritten and we hope to have a script in the next few weeks". We'll see.

Fuller's Twitter account is www.twitter.com/bcfuller.

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