A young, digital Jeff Bridges features heavily in the latest trailer from Disney’s forthcoming Tron: Legacy...
There's been no shortage of trailers, posters and other promotional materials for Disney’s forthcoming Tron: Legacy over the past few months, and so far it’s all looked uniformly distinctive, exciting and luminous.
The third official trailer, which you can find below these very words, reveals a few more snippets of footage we haven’t yet seen, including the faintly spooky sight of a young, computer-generated Jeff Bridges, and retro television announcements of his character’s disappearance in the late 80s (we love that big grey suit he’s wearing as he gets out of the helicopter).
Random observation: check out Sam Flynn’s lightcycle duvet cover. We’d buy that for a dollar...
Tron: Legacy is due for release on 17 December.
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