Kojima Productions, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Metal Gear franchise, has revealed a new entry into the Metal Gear Solid series. Called Metal Gear Solid: Zeroes, the new game is set to be an open world stealth game and is running on the new Fox engine.
So confident in the power of the engine and the impressive achievements his team has achieved with the game, Hideo Kojima stated "This announcement is a challenge from Kojima Productions to the world."
The demo saw Snake, looking much more youthful than his last outing in Guns of the Patriots, crawling stealthy to avoid search lights, dispatching a foe silently, and acquiring transport in the form of a jeep before finally calling in a chopper for exfiltration.
The game also looks set to finally lose some of the ageing stealth mechanics of the previous releases. For example, there’s going to be less running and hiding in a lockers waiting for the timer to tick down, and if discovered, the game will give players plenty of options, keeping the gameplay flowing, and there’ll be no game over as we’ve come to expect once discovered. This time, getting discovered will simply kick start a new element of the game as you make them most of the environment and skills to evade, and defeat pursuers.
The demo was running on a powerful PC setup, and even with current generation specifications, it was a truly impressive outing. As the Fox Engine is going to focus on next gen hardware, and is already looking so good on current gen tech, we expect great things when the new platforms arrive, and we can’t wait to see more of MGS: Zeroes.
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