The BBC, it seems, is rather keen for everyone to understand the direction Moffat and co. have taken with the first five episodes of the new Doctor Who series. That direction? Great, big, standalone, (if the word 'epic' hadn't fallen into meaninglessness from overuse, that's what we'd be trotting out about now) movie-style adventures, with four-word titles.
Hence the arrival of these quite spiffing new posters for episodes two to five (the latter now confirmed as The Angels Take Manhattan). We've added the existing Asylum Of The Daleks promo in for good measure, followed by new images for Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, A Town Called Mercy, The Power Of Three and The Angels Take Manhattan.
Asylum Of The Daleks (as if you didn't already know), airs on BBC One at 7.20pm on Saturday the 1st of September.
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