I wouldn’t want to play Steven Moffat at chess. The Doctor Who and Sherlock showrunner’s dealings with an information-hungry public and press over the past few years have been an exercise in strategy, misdirection and equivocation worthy of a Grandmaster. You’ll cry, he promises, but the Doctor lies, he adds. You’ve missed a big clue in Sherlock’s fall, he teases, you’ll kick yourselves…
Kick ourselves we probably will, but not before we’ve pondered the significance of the following three words: Rat, Wedding, and Bow.
Those are the keys to Sherlock’s forthcoming third series, according to Moffat and Gatiss, who announced the trio this afternoon at the Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival. Series two had Woman/Hound/Fall as their guiding principles, and series three will unfurl under the banner of Rat/Wedding/Bow. So what do we think?
Series 3 of Sherlock is due to film in January and expected on our screens next August.
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