Adding to an already impressive cast, two more names are set to join Jose Padilha’s re-boot of RoboCop, with Jackie Earle Haley signing up for a key role, and Jay Baruchel in negotiations for another equally important part in the film. Both will make solid additions to an already impressive cast, headed up by Joel Kinnaman as Murphy with Gary Oldman as the scientist who develops the technology. Meanwhile, Samuel L Jackson is a media mogul, Abbie Cornish takes on the part of Murphy’s wife, and Hugh Laurie is the film's main antagonist.
Haley will play Maddox, the man who provides military training to RoboCop, and as yet it’s unclear as to who Baruchel will play. That said, he’s reportedly one of a few actors circling the final few lead roles for the film. It will be interesting to see who else is added before the film goes in front of cameras.
More news on RoboCop when we get it.
(We include the link to Deadline, by the way, because we have a firm policy on linking to sources for our stories. The horrible way Deadline covered the shootings last week in Denver, though, does mean we do so very reluctantly in this case - The Den of Geek Editors.)
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