There’s no shortage of zombies around. Once mainly the stuff of shlock b-movies and horror flicks, zombies are fast becoming de rigueur (mortis) in the gaming world, and most genres now have some form of shambling undead for you to hack and shoot at.
Well, now the MMO landscape is going to get its fill of an undead nightmare as The War Z has been announced. This new MMO will see players surviving both the undead horde and other players, whilst scavenging and surviving across large, 200-400 kilometre maps.
Players of the game will be able to explore a zombified world, and events will take place five years after the outbreak. Cities will be infested by zombies, and survivors will need to fight for what’s left in order to survive.
As a ‘Survival Horror MMO’, The War Z will bring all the usual accoutrements associated with the genre, such as PvE and PvP play, safe zones and cities to gather in, masses of loot to find and utilise and a large, robust social element. It’ll also feature both first-person and third-person perspectives.
The game itself will be a single purchase client and users wont’ require subscriptions or be assaulted by in-game micro-transactions. So, whilst it’s not technically free-to-play, once you’ve paid for the game upfront, there will be no extra charges, and all future content released will be free.
Currently, The War Z is in an alpha stage, with a closed beta planned for some time n the near future. More information, and the beta sign up, can be found at the link below, so pop on over. Just be sure to pack that sawn-off shotgun and baseball bat first, and remember, aim for the head.
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