Shooting is set to begin in the next few weeks on the next movie in the X-Men franchise, The Wolverine. The movie sees Hugh Jackman reprising his most famous screen role, and James Mangold is set to direct the new film.
A significant piece of casting news popped up over the weekend, too, as Deadline reported that Jessica Biel has been cast in the role of Viper in the new movie. Biel, who's also about to be seen in the new Total Recall film, will take on the role, although given the complex background of the character, it'll be interesting to see just which way the movie takes her. Biel, we've since been told, denied the rumour at Comic-Con this past weekend, so we'll wait and see whether it proves to be true or not.
The Wolverine is set for release next summer. More details as we get them...
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