By all accounts, Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim was looking excellent at Comic-Con over the weekend, and should be a standout blockbuster next summer. Whilst publicising his latest picture, though, he took the time to discuss the heartbreak of Universal shutting down production on his adaptation of At The Mountains of Madness:
“For me, the collapse of At The Mountains Of Madness was a soul-shattering experience. It was very difficult for me that that movie didn’t happen, we designed the creatures, the sets, we were scouting the locations, and went through any number of drafts. Everything was going and then it collapsed and it was a big blow. It was a very debilitating moment.”
He went on to say that “I think we may still make it. When I’m brave enough to go and see Prometheus, I’ll know. But for now, I don’t know. We are all nothing but human beings, I go to the theatre, I buy my ticket for Prometheus and I go and see something else, because I’m afraid. I’m not a mental entity, I am also emotional, because the ideas are similar, from what I’ve heard and I’ll see it next week, I promise!”
So we may still get to see a Guillermo del Toro directed big screen version of At The Mountains of Madness yet, depending on securing financing, his reaction to Prometheus, and then fitting it in somewhere in his packed schedule. Here's hoping...
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