Gameplay footage and special edition details arrive for Propaganda’s forthcoming blockbuster tie-in, Tron: Evolution...
The original Tron movie spawned two excellent videogame tie-ins way back in the early 80s. The first, predictably called Tron, was a collection of four minigames all housed in a weird walk-in cabinet. Next came Discs Of Tron, which replicated the Kevin Flynn versus Crom glowing Frisbee fight from the film.
Notable for its unusual control system, which involved turning a little knob-type thing to bounce your discs off the walls, Discs Of Tron's appeal has proved so enduring that it's still readily available to play today, and can be downloaded from Xbox Live Arcade.
And with the belated sequel Tron: Legacy hitting cinemas at the end of the year, it's unsurprising that a videogame tie-in should follow in its wake.
A huge percentage of movie tie-ins are utter bilge, of course, but we've high hopes that Legacy's adaptation, Tron: Evolution, will buck that depressing trend. A film set in the luminous virtual world of a computer programme should be ripe for an equally shiny piece of interactive entertainment, shouldn't it?
Fresh from last weekend's Penny Arcade Expo comes a new gameplay video, which reveals what appears to be a neon-drenched third person action platformer, with bursts of combat and, we're relieved to see, parts where you get to ride around on a light cycle.
If you're really impressed with what you see, there's a $130 special edition version of Evolution on the way. The extra cash buys you a rather gorgeous looking miniature light cycle, with a little display case to keep it in. If that seems rather steep for what you get, do bear in mind that the light cycle also glows in the dark.
Tron: Evolution is due for release on 7 December for (deep breath) PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS.
You can see the Collector's Edition package by clicking on the thumbnail just below the trailer...