DreamWorks' fabulous-looking animated feast, Rise Of The Guardians, has its first full trailer, right here...
Now we’re really, really looking forward to this. DreamWorks has a really interesting slate of animated movies coming up, with next year’s The Croods especially catching our eye. But then there’s this winter’s Rise Of The Guardians, a film that brings together the likes of the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost and Santa.
What’s particularly interesting, though, is how this Avengers-esque union of childhood heroes is shaping up. As you’ll see from the newly released trailer, there’s a slightly darker edge to this one, with a tone that hopefully comes somewhere close to How To Train Your Dragon.
We’ll keep you posted as we hear more about the film. But take a look at the trailer. We think you might like it.
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