The gaming retailer, Game, could be in serious trouble according to recent reports…
Game is one of the biggest retailers of video games in Europe, and the chain is the main location for many gamers to acquire the latest releases. So, when the company made a statement on its own website telling eager Mass Effect 3 fans that it couldn't honour pre-order arrangements for one of the biggest games of the year, you had to wonder, what on Earth is going on?
Well, it would seem as though there's plenty of trouble ahead for the high street game purveyor, and the problems with EA and Mass Effect 3 were just the start. According to an MCV report, Game hasn't managed to turn things around financially in the last few weeks, and senior Game management have been told to prepare for possible administration.
In fact, if the same reports are true, the company has around two weeks to turn itself around. That's not good. And, the recent price cuts and clear out sales further solidify fears that the future is very bleak.
Although it's easy to say with hindsight, it's not entirely surprising to see this turn of events. The Internet has long been ringing the death knell for high street stores in many people's opinions, and with gamers usually being very tech-savvy, it was inevitable that traditional outlets were going to struggle as more and more people adopted digital downloads and moved to cheaper online vendors.
Giants like Amazon didn't exactly help matters, able to undercut the competition by quite a margin, and Blockbuster has already been through the grinder, but has, so far, been able to hold on.
It's a sad state of affairs, and you can't help but feel sorry for yet another legion of employees facing unemployment. Let's just hope that Game can get back on track.
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