The US modern day take on Sherlock Holmes, Elementary, has just turned Watson into a woman. Who looks like Lucy Liu...
In a move that doesn’t seem to have gone down particularly well, CBS has confirmed that it’s pressing ahead with its own contemporary Sherlock Holmes series, Elementary.
It’s already cast Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock Holmes in the show, which is set to take Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s sleuth to modern day New York. And now we’ve found out who will be playing his Watson.
Er, it’s Lucy Liu.
The Charlie’s Angels star has been confirmed in the role, which marks the first obvious sign that Elementary is at least going to try something distinctive. The show had already come up against criticism that it was merely trying to ape what the BBC’s Sherlock had successfully done.
To the best of our knowledge, there’s never been a female Watson on the big or small screen, mainly because the character is, er, male. It does mean that Liu, and Elementary, are in uncharted waters, arguably for the first time. If the show lasts more than two seasons, a fiver says Watson and Holmes are snogging within 30 episodes.
More on the story here.
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