Capcom has released some zombified morsels of info about Resident Evil 6…
Some tasty information regarding the upcoming Resident Evil 6 has been posted on the Capcom-Unity blog. This information includes a few bits and pieces about the game's setting, characters and mechanics.
From the initial trailer we know that some of the game will take place in China, and it's now been revealed that this will be in the fictional coastal town, Lanshiang, which, as the post states, is going to meet the same fate as Racoon City and Twin Oaks.
Enemies will include the return of classic zombies, only this time some of them have been to school, and can now use weapons. The brain-dead variety will still feature, acting as cannon fodder.
A new enemy, J'avo, won't be so easily dispatched though, and these mutant monstrosities, named after the Siberian word for demon, have managed to master an understanding of rudimentary speech and can coordinate attacks. Oh, and they can regenerate too, and mutate even more after suffering damage.
Confirmed characters so far include Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Ingrid Hunnigan, Helena Harper, rotting US President, Adam Benford and ‘Mystery Man', the seemingly super-powered mercenary who may save the world, if he gets paid enough.
A final bit of information states that, after far, far too long, RE's protagonists won't be glued to the floor when shooting at foes, and they can, wait for it... move while shooting. Wey-hey! It's about time. You'll also be able to evade attacks using dodge rolls and take cover behind objects.
Resident Evil 6 is certainly high on our list for most anticipated games of 2012, and the more we hear, the more we want it.
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