You might need a pinch of salt for this one, or it might be a fairly sizeable spoiler. Don’t click here if you don’t want some new casting news for Superman: Man Of Steel…
We’re in deep rumour territory here, so just note that this may or may not have substance to it. We appreciate that’s a crappy way to start a story, but it’s an interesting piece of news, this, and worth having a conversation about.
Remember how, with Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan seeded in the idea of The Joker, ahead of The Dark Knight? Well, Nolan’s influence on and involvement with the Superman reboot, Man Of Steel, is already well known. But his planning ahead seems to have been picked up by the Superman franchise, too.
According to a report over at Cosmic Book News, a small cameo appearance is being planned for Man Of Steel, which will see the introduction of Lex Luthor, ahead of presumably a broader role in whatever Man Of Steel 2 turns out to be. And the site’s source suggests that Bradley Cooper is the man whose head will shortly be bereft of hair.
It was widely known that Lex Luthor was in early drafts of the Man Of Steel script, but no casting announcement or official confirmation of the character’s inclusion followed. We wait and see with interest if this particular rumour turns out to be the real deal. We might have to wait a while, though. We wouldn't be surprised to see Luthor included in the film somewhere. We'll hedge our bets, if it's okay with you, on whether Bradley Cooper will be involved.
Man Of Steel arrives in cinemas on June 14th 2013.
Cosmic Book News
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