Batman heads to New York City this week, as production on The Dark Knight Rises continues...
The production of The Dark Knight Rises is heading into its final stages, as Christopher Nolan’s film gets set to start shooting in New York City over the coming week.
On Location Vacations reports that on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th November, for instance, that there’s filming disruption around the Newark Light Rail service, which hints at some scene or other involving underground trains.
The film won’t though, as speculated, be shooting the Occupy Wall Street protests that are currently taking place in New York City. Nor, it seems, were there ever plans to do so. There will be filming work for the movie on Wall Street this coming weekend, though, and the shoot will be in Manhattan on Friday.
On Location Vacations also has a couple of snaps of New York gearing up for production of The Dark Knight Rises, although there’s nothing particularly riveting to see just yet. Still, click on any of the pics to make them bigger.
On Location Vacations
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