The Dark Knight Rises production goes to New York, and Michelle Pfeiffer offers her thoughts on Anne Hathaway as Catwoman...
Production of The Dark Knight Rises is heading over to New York City, having seemingly done everything it needs to do in Los Angeles. And this might just be the last stop on the film’s shoot, before Christopher Nolan wraps up filming.
As you might have heard, it may well be that the ongoing protests on Wall Street make it into the final cut of the film, given that The Dark Knight Rises is planning to shoot in that area. Either way, with more on location, out in the open filming taking place, you can expect one last swathe of pictures from the production over the next few weeks.
Also on The Dark Knight Rises, HollywoodLife briefly caught up with Michelle Pfeiffer, to ask her what her thoughts were with regards Anne Hathaway taking on her Catwoman mantle.
It was a fairly predictable and understandable response they got in return. “I think [Anne] is going to be amazing”, Pfeiffer said. “She has the darkness and the comedy – she’s got it all!”.
For a bit more fun, we sort of wish that they’d asked her what she thought of Halle Berry’s Catwoman movie. That might have got a more interesting answer.
The Dark Knight Rises arrives on July 20th 2012.
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