We've seen quite a lot of this before, as The Secret Circle struggles to spark into life...
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3. Loner
It's our first visit to the town since the titular circle were bound together last week and, if anything, the act simply made things less exciting, not more. Apparently, joining together means each member loses their individual power, something that resident selfish-cow Faye has more than a few words to say about. It seems that the poor girl can't even open her school locker without using magic.
We actually have to wait until the very end to see any magic at all, this week, and even then it's of the wind effects and wire-work variety. But this episode isn't really about the mythology, aside from another blast from the past visiting our young mischief makers. But it looks like Zachary Larson, an old friend of Cassie's mother and enemy of the circle, could just be a villain of the week.
Everything gets a little more 'teen drama' this week, though, as a school dance brings out the feelings and jealousies from everyone involved. The perky class president, who had a close shave last week when some magic went seriously awry, ropes Cassie in to help with the decorating, and Melissa really wants to go with her friend with benefits, Nick. But, of course, when there's a school dance, you can be sure trouble isn't too far behind.
Like on shows such as The Vampire Diaries, teenagers seem to be having casual sex without too many moral consequences, something rare in a high school drama. The sub-plot with Melissa and Nick's relationship gets more attention this week, as she takes charge of what she wants, and asks him to the dance. Right now, I'm tipping this couple as the fan favourite in weeks to come, as two damaged souls generally make a whole on shows like The Secret Circle.
There's also a new cute guy for Cassie to moon over, but he rejects her when she can't stop staring at his mate, Adam. It's turning into a love square, as I don't think we've see the last of him.
Diana's also making a nuisance of herself, trying to be friends with everyone much to the chagrin of Cassie. I guess it's hard to have heart to hearts when you're both after the same guy. To be fair, Adam's the only viable love candidate within the central cast, so expect this one to play out slowly. You can read our review of The Secret Circle episode 2, Bound, here. Follow Den Of Geek on Twitter right here. And be our Facebook chum here.
There are sketches of interesting characteristics coming to the surface within the group, but nothing to really distinguish them from each other, or countless other high schoolers we've seen before.
Faye gained some sympathy for sticking up for Melissa, Nick started to thaw out at last, and Cassie's still a compelling lead, but Diana and Adam barely register. It's hard get involved in a love triangle when two-thirds of it are dull as mud.
In terms of the central plot lines, the show seems ready to get a little more ruthless. These brutal past events and present actions are all coming from the older generation, so it's unclear what the central teens have in store. It's clear that an increasingly tangled web of lies, deceit and murderous betrayal await them, but hopefully it doesn't take 20-years to get there.