Glen rounds up the wealth of exclusive titles coming to a PlayStation 3 near you soon...
With LittleBigPlanet 2 already released and the arrival of Killzone 3 imminent, I thought that now would be the ideal time to take a look at my most anticipated upcoming exclusives on the PlayStation 3 (as is becoming something of an annual tradition). So here’s a rundown of the ten exclusive titles I’m most looking forward to - and I hope you all like sequels, because there sure is a lot of them...
MLB 11: The Show
The previous Major League Baseball title on the PS3 was excellent, so this is one that I’m looking forward to greatly. I’m not hugely knowledgeable about baseball, but the game mechanics and ease of play made it one of those titles that is easy to pick up but tricky to master. One of the few sporting franchises that is a PS3 exclusive, it also just happens to be one of the best.
The latest instalment will see numerous gameplay improvements, as well as 3D and Playstation Move support. The game will be available on 8th March in the US, and if the previous title is anything to go by, won’t be released in Europe. However don’t let that put you off, as it’s region free and easy to import.
Please feel free to let me know what titles I’ve overlooked and your opinions on the ones I’ve selected in the comments section below.
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