The planned big screen take on PlayStation 3 hit Heavy Rain has got a writer, and an impressive one at that…
One of the brains behind the TV classic Deadwood has been confirmed as the man with the job of adapting PlayStation 3 game, Heavy Rain, for the big screen.
Appreciating this has been said time and time again, there genuinely could be a movie of note in this one. Heavy Rain is about as cinematic as videogaming gets right now (some might argue it's more suited to film than game, in fact), after all, and thus it's little surprise that a movie version is on the way.
What's interesting, however, is who's been employed to write it. For Variety reports that Deadwood's David Milch has been signed up to write the film, and that he'll be moving onto the project once he's finished working on the first season of upcoming HBO horse racing drama, Luck.
We'll keep you posted as to the progress of the film, and pass on any more news that we hear...
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