Natalie Portman isn’t involved in either the new Superman or Batman films, it appears. And news on The Dark Knight Rises shooting locations, too.
We're playing a little bit of catch up following our holiday break, and one of the films we've been catching up with is The Dark Knight Rises.
Firstly, Natalie Portman has denied her involvement in the project. Talking to Entertainment Weekly, the actress (who's surely the running favourite for the Best Actress Oscar off the back of Black Swan) firstly said that she knew nothing of the rumours linking her with the role of Lois Lane in Zack Snyder's upcoming reboot of Superman. And when asked about The Dark Knight Rises, to which she's also been linked, she added, "I don't know anything about that."
Naturally, there's still speculation that she might just be fending rumours off, but then that's what the Internet does. For now, Portman is one to strike off the list.
Elsewhere with The Dark Knight Rises, the film is set to commence shooting in the spring, and Warner Bros has now confirmed that the film will be shot in Los Angeles, the UK, and a "third city", according to Ravi Mehta at the studio, quoted in Scene Magazine.
Chicago has played home to Gotham City for Christopher Nolan's first two Batman films, but rumours suggest that that third city for The Dark Knight Rises may yet be Detroit or New York instead.
Expect a lot more The Dark Knight Rises rumours in the months ahead, especially as the casting jigsaw comes together...
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