Jodie Foster’s troubled comedy drama The Beaver, starring Mel Gibson, is finally set to appear next spring. And here’s the first trailer...
Despite fears that Jodie Foster’s quirky comedy drama The Beaver would be left to gather dust on a shelf somewhere following Mel Gibson’s very public personal relations malfunction earlier this year, the film has been picked up by Summit Entertainment, and is now scheduled for release next spring in the US.
Apparently inspired by a rather strange sequence in Tony Scott’s The Last Boy Scout, in which Bruce Willis distracts a large group of heavily-armed bad guys with a furry glove puppet before executing them all, The Beaver stars Gibson as a middle-aged depressive who finds redemption through the furry creature of the title.
Jodie Foster’s first film as director since 1995‘s comedy-drama Home For The Holidays, The Beaver has one of the most intriguing premises we’ve heard for some time - and the word is, the script’s well written, too - but watching the trailer, two questions immediately spring to mind: one, what accent is the beaver meant to be speaking in, and two, will anyone pay to see a Gibson movie again?
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